Simulation“…is a new method to study and be familiarized with the characteristics of a system through another system that in most cases it is a computer.” (Ρουμελιώτης 2001, σ. 11). Simulations with the use of a computer (PC) have been used as an educational tool in teaching management courses since 1957 (Dickinson & Faria, 1996). In the field of Sport Management, however, computer simulations have been implemented by few university departments internationally during the last decade (Gillentine & Schultz, 2001; Drayer & Rasher, 2010), while in Greece there are no reports on the application of such simulations in relevant curricula. This study presents the perceptions of students majoring Sport Management in the Department of Physical Education and Exercise Science, at the University of Athens, who had attended the Sports Marketing course through conventional teaching and then used software “Marketing Plan Pro 6.0” (Palo Alto, 2010) as additional learning means, and simulating tool for the writing of a marketing plan. The study is based on procedural simulation, which focuses on teaching a series of actions towards the completion of a specific objective (Μπαλκίζας, 2015). The results indicated that simulation as an educational tool, perceived positively by the participants, in that as «challenging», «interesting», «attractive», «pleasant», «satisfying» and «manageable». It was also found no statistically significant difference in students’ perception (p=0,083>0,005), before and after the procedure of the software application.
Educational simulations, teaching via new technologies, marketing plan software.