The reason of this study was to explore if there is a connection between transformational-transactional leadership and job satisfaction of the section leaders and team leaders in the private children’s camp and to examine possible transformations in the relationship between section leaders and team leaders. The measurement of the transformational-transactional leadership was done with Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire- short form-MLQ by Bass & Avolio, (1995). The measurement of job satisfaction was done with Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire – short-form - MSQ by Dawis & Lofquist, (1984). The sample of the survey consisted of 817 leaders of private children’s camp and specifically 669 team leaders and 148 section leaders. The results showed that: a) there is a strong positive relationship between transformational – transactional leadership and job satisfaction of the members, b) the biggest rate of team leaders estimated that the level of transformational – transactional leadership is high, while the biggest rate of team leaders estimated the level of job satisfaction is mediocre, c) job satisfaction of the participants is high and: d) for the section leaders there is a stronger positive comparison between transformational – transactional leadership and job satisfaction, from that which exists for team leaders. The theoretical and practical applications of these results are discussed
Transformational–Transactional Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Children’s Camp