The Physical Education Schools were founded with the decision Γ4/902/29-9-88 of Ministry of National Education and Religions Affairs. This decision was supplemented with the Γ4/1804/19-12-1989 decision of Physical Education Department of Ministry of National Education and Religions Affairs and were ratified with Law 1894/90 (OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC 110/27.8.90 T.A'). School year 1988-89 functioned for first time Physical Education Classes (T.A.D.) in selectively High schools while school year 1991-92 began the experimental operation of Special Physical Education Schools B grade (E.T.A.D.) in the A class of High Schools in 6 cities of the country. Today (school year 2006-07), they function T.A.D. in 161 High schools in all the prefectures and E.T.A.D. in 40 High Schools of 25 prefectures of country cultivating 28 different sports. In this review are presented the Laws and the Ministerial decisions in which they functioned and function the Physical Education Schools from their foundation until today.
athletic schools, laws