Investigating Team Work Perceptions of Elementary school student’s after Participation in an Outdoor Education Program

Investigating Team Work Perceptions of Elementary school student’s after Participation in an Outdoor Education Program

Journal of Sport & Recreation Management
Volume 8, Issue 2
Investigating Team Work Perceptions of Elementary school student’s after Participation in an Outdoor Education Program
Vasiliki Gousia & Charilaos Kouthouris

Τµήµα Ε̟ιστήµης Φυσικής Αγωγής & Αθλητισµού, Πανε̟ιστήµιο Θεσσαλίας


The aim of the present study was to investigate differentiation of elementary school student’s perceptions toward ‘team work’, through their participation in an 'Outdoor Education' program, Study was conducted at Karditsa city and as a sample participated forty seven boys (60.2%) and thirty one (39.8%) girls. The 83 student’s divided in two groups, experimental group (61) and control group (21). For the evaluation of student’s ‘teamwork’ perceptions, was used "teamwork feelings scale’ (Goudas, Magotsiou, & Chatzigeorgiadis, 2009). Results supported that a) pupils in the experimental group did not increase their preferences toward team work, and did not reduce their preferences toward individual work, after their participation in the outdoor education program, b) there were no significant statistical differences between student’s experimental group and student’s control group in all their perceptions toward ‘team work’ after their participation in the intervention program. Results are discussed toward the enrichment of physical education curriculum with Outdoor Education issues, as to become more useful for elementary students and be closer to modern education practices.


social skills, individual work, collaborative learning, partnership trust

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