Investigating the Role of Motives on the Development of Exercise Involvement Among Women

Investigating the Role of Motives on the Development of Exercise Involvement Among Women

Journal of Sport & Recreation Management
Volume 9, Issue 2
Investigating the Role of Motives on the Development of Exercise Involvement Among Women
Lilou, O., Kaimakamis, D., & Douka, S.

Τµήµα Ε̟ιστήµης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισµού,
Αριστοτέλειο Πανε̟ιστήµιο Θεσσαλονίκης


The purpose of this study was to classify women who participated in exercise programs in groups with low and high involvement and investigate the role of motivation in the development of involvement with exercise. The sample consisted of 120 women who participated in exercise activities at fitness clubs of Thessaloniki city. For the measurement of motives and adjusted version of Manfredo and Driver’s (1997) scale was used, while for the measurement of involvement Kyle et al.’s (2004) scale was used. The results confirmed the existence of two groups, with low and high involvement, which were statistically significant in all dimensions of involvement. Moreover, women with high involvement levels showed statistically significant differences in the motivation dimensions of socialization improve knowledge and skills and improve self-esteem and physical fitness. The theoretical and practical applications of these results are discussed.


Indoor Sports activities, incentives for participation, involvement in exercise programs. 

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