Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Grants in the Area of Football

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Grants in the Area of Football

Journal of Sport & Recreation Management
Volume 1, Issue 1
3 - 14
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Grants in the Area of Football
Vasiliki Tolka, Giorgos Tzetzis & Nikitas Karachalios

Τµήµα Επιστήµης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισµού Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήµιο Θεσσαλονίκης


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of sponsoring football as a means to implement the communication objectives of donors. For this purpose used a structured questionnaire, which examined: a) the general attitude of fans towards the institution of sponsorship, b) the perceived benefits of a company sponsoring it, c) the psychographic and demographic characteristics of the fans, d) the characteristics lifestyle of the fans and e) the frequency of monitoring events and consumption of products from the fans. The research was a case study. The sample consisted of 110 Greek fans a professional football team, who attend the games at the stadium. The analysis results showed that the sponsorship is universally accepted by fans of professional associations (90%) and that the majority of fans are able to spontaneously recognize the company-sponsored (80%). Furthermore, we found that when a company is sponsoring a team improves the picture, since it is large (74%), profitability (65%), reliable (48%) and that provides social work (42%). Finally, we found that there was no statistically significant difference between fans in different income (F (4,103) = 1,272, p> 0,05) and fans with a different level of education (F (2,90) = 1,628, p> 0, 05) regarding their attitudes to sponsorship. The findings of this study may serve on advisory administrations of clubs to go in designing and implementing their own proposals for sponsorship and assessment programs in order to find financial resources for operation and survival.


sport sponsorship, sponsorship awareness, sponsorship evaluation, sport sponsorship objectives, corporate sponsorship

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