This study examined the contribution of significant other peoples in human behavior. Among other important people are concluded the exercise- leaders. The purpose of this study was to identify incentives for the exercise of older women, the differentiation of these incentives because of the different frequency of participation, to investigate the relationship between frequency of participation and whether or not instructor-trainer during exercise and finally the differentiation incentive rationale or not instructor-trainer during exercise. The sample consisted of 218 female trainees (N = 218), while the average age was 64 years (M = 64.15, SD = 5.25). The results highlighted as a major incentive to participate: a) Pleasure / Regeneration (M = 3.47, SD = 1.12), b) Physical state (M = 3.23, SD = 1.26), c) Weight Management (M = 320, SD = 1.46), d) Health (M = 3.21, SD = 1.24). All hypothesis were verified (p <.001). The results are discussed with a view to improving the participation of women in senior exercise programs by determining the presence of mentors - gymnasts during exercise.
Frequency of participation, women exercise, motivation, instructors.